Letter of Authorization(LOA)授权信怎么写:Word模板下载

Letter of Authorization,缩写LOA,即授权信,是一种正式文件,用于明确一方(授权人)赋予另一方(被授权人)特定权利或权限,以代表授权人执行某些行为或决策。在外贸、法律、金融等多个领域,授权信扮演着至关重要的角色。



在外贸领域中,Letter of Authorization该怎么写?

以下是一个外贸常见的给国外经销商的授权信(Letter of Authorization)的示例,您可以根据实际情况进行调整:



Letter of Authorization

[城市, 邮编]


We, [公司名称], hereby formally authorize [经销商公司名称] to be our [exclusive/non-exclusive] distributor in [具体国家/地区], responsible for promoting, selling and providing after-sales service to our [产品/服务名称].

I. Scope and Term of Authorization 授权范围与期限

1. 授权产品/服务:本授权涵盖[具体产品/服务的名称、型号、规格等]。

1. Authorized Products/Services: This authorization covers [产品/服务名称],型号,规格,等].

2. 销售区域:授权[经销商公司名称]在[具体国家/地区]内销售上述产品/服务。

2. Sales Area: [经销商公司名称] is authorized to sell the above products/services in [具体国家/地区].

3. 授权期限:本授权自[起始日期]起至[结束日期]止,除非双方另有书面协议,否则授权在此期限后自动终止。

3. Authorization Term: This authorization is from [开始日期] to [结束日期], and will automatically terminate after this period unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.

II. Distributor Rights and Responsibilities 经销商权利与职责

1. 市场推广与销售:[经销商公司名称]有权在授权区域内推广和销售上述产品/服务,并应确保市场推广活动的合法性和有效性。

1. Marketing and Sales: [经销商公司名称] has the right to promote and sell the above products/services in the authorized area, and shall ensure the legality and effectiveness of marketing activities.

2. 售后服务:[经销商公司名称]应提供必要的售后服务,包括但不限于产品咨询、维修和退换货等。

2. After-sales Service: [经销商公司名称] shall provide necessary after-sales service, including but not limited to product consultation, repair and return and exchange, etc.

3. 价格政策:[经销商公司名称]应遵循我们设定的价格政策,并在必要时与我们协商调整。

3. Pricing Policy: [经销商公司名称] shall follow the pricing policy set by us and negotiate with us for adjustment when necessary.

III. Agreement between the Parties 双方约定

1. 产品质量:我们保证提供的产品/服务符合相关质量标准,并承担因产品质量问题导致的责任。

1. Product Quality: We guarantee that the products/services we provide meet the relevant quality standards and assume the responsibility caused by product quality problems.

2. 知识产权保护:双方应尊重对方的知识产权,不得擅自使用或泄露对方的商业秘密。

2. Intellectual Property Protection: Both parties shall respect each other’s intellectual property rights and shall not use or disclose each other’s trade secrets without authorization.

3. 争议解决:如因本授权产生争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,可提交至有管辖权的法院或仲裁机构解决。

3. Dispute Resolution: If a dispute arises from this authorization, both parties shall first resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, it may be submitted to a court or arbitration institution with jurisdiction for resolution.

IV. Others 其他

1. 本授权信一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

1. This authorization letter is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and has the same legal effect.

2. 本授权信自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

2. This authorization letter shall take effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.


We look forward to establishing a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with [经销商公司名称] and jointly promoting the market development of [产品/服务名称] in [具体国家/地区].




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